Wood Badge Beading Ceremony C3-312-14-2

Who knew, that a little wooden bead, would mean so much? The ceremony was held at Beaumont Scout Reservation, during Leadership Outdoor Experience. (It was very windy and cold.) I was so humbled and honored, that many friends and family, chose to join me on this special night! 

The Sizzling Soaring Golden Eagles patrol, joined in on the fun! Our SPL, Rich arrived, while I was staffing LOE, and I nearly cried, when I saw him! Jim was the next to arrive, and he graciously let me borrow our course patch, as mine couldn't be found. An Eagle cry, cut through the air, and we knew that Mark had arrived! We all hugged, as our convocation of Eagles, gathered at Beaumont, once again! (We greatly missed Shelly and Austin...our patrol, just wasn't complete without them.)

Our Scoutmaster, Mark and my Training Guide, Gerry, presented a very moving ceremony. I found out that not all neckerchiefs are the same size...and barely fit over my head. Between shivering and a few tears, I now am part of a select few who have earned their second Wood Badge Bead.   

Congratulations to Phil, who also earned his second Wood Badge Bead! 
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