Hallmark Hall of Fame - In My Dreams - April 20th on ABC

Katharine McPhee (American IdolSmash) and Mike Vogel (Bates MotelUnder the Dome) star as the perfect romantic couple in In My Dreams, the new Hallmark Hall of Fame movie premiering on ABC Sunday, April 20, 2014 at 9pm ET/PT. JoBeth Williams (The Big ChillMy Name Is Bill W) plays Vogel’s mother.
There are a couple of things blocking the perfect couple’s path to romantic bliss. First, they’ve never actually met – in the flesh, as it were. Second, they have precisely seven days to turn sweet dreams into romantic reality.
Interviewed on the In My Dreams set, Under the Dome’s Mike Vogel describes how Nick and Natalie get together – in their dreams, at least.
“There’s an old wives’ tale involving the Hayward Fountain in our mythical town,” he recounts. “If you make a wish, then toss a coin in the fountain, you’ll meet the man or woman of your dreams, and you’ll have the most fantastic dreams for seven nights.
“But if the dream couple haven’t actually met in the real world before that time limit expires – well, it’s all over. So it’s really a race against time.”
At story’s start, both Nick and Natalie are relationship‐challenged. Natalie is focusing all her time and energy on trying to breathe life into her family’s ailing Italian restaurant. Nick is trying to get over a disastrous relationship and break‐up, and deal with mega‐frustrations where he works, as a bridge designer/architect.
Nick also has to deal with his meddling mother, who’s determined to introduce her son to Ms. Right.
Mike Vogel says that mother‐son dynamic is one of the things that attracted him to the script and the project.
“Nick’s Mom is a meddler,” says Vogel. “But she’s not mean‐spirited. Her heart’s in the right place. She means well, she really does. She just can’t help herself!”
Vogel describes In My Dreams as “a romance with hints of comedy.” His co‐star, Katharine McPhee, agrees with that description.
“This is a romance, first and foremost,” she says. “I firmly believe that Mr. or Ms. Right is out there for all of us. And who’s to say that throwing a coin in a fountain won’t lead you to the pot of gold at the end of the romance rainbow.
“I mean, if that can work for Nick and Natalie, why can’t it work for all of us? “The trick is to find the right fountain!”

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