Vlogging Mommies - Does Your Kid Suck At Sports?
It's Thursday, lets talk about the kid who has zero athletic ability. What if your child sucks at sports? Do you let them quit a team mid season? How would you handle it, if you know your kid isn't any good? Would your partner be heart broken to find out that you do not have a future sports star?
In the comments below, share with us your thoughts!
Next week lets talk about fun things to do in your backyard. Do your kids love bubbles? Have you set up a tent, and camped under the stars? Do you have a sand box or let the kids dig in the dirt?
Think about it, and join us next week!

I am a firm believer of once you make the comitment you keep it through the season. It's a growing and learning process. It's all about trial and error on finding what kids like but part of the lesson for me it to teach them about comitment.