{Review} Hasbro Angry Birds Star Wars Millennium Falcon Bounce Game

The giveaway has closed, the winner is Wendy R! 
Thank you to all those that entered!

Angry Birds and Star Wars have combined much to the excitement of my two boys! I am so excited to share these two items with you that I received from Hasbro for my personal review. 

I surprised the boys after school, with a really cool box, clearly labeled with a Hasbro Angry Birds "May The Fourth Be With You" label. They instantly knew that sheer joy was inside this box, they just had to contain themselves while the box was opened! Inside was an Angry Birds Star Wars Foam Flyer and an Angry Birds Star Wars Millennium Falcon Bounce Game! Can you say Hasbro Family Game Night?
The classic Star Wars characters; like Chewbacca, Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, and Luke Skywalker, get a new makeover as Angry Birds. The Angry Birds Star Wars Foam Flyer, of  Luke Skywalker, was a huge hit as we setup red cups as a tower, to see who could knock off the green "pig" golf ball! The kids each took a turn launching the Angry Birds Star Wars Foam Flyer, and I didn't have to worry about it bouncing off walls, furniture, or other family members in the room! I was so happy it was soft, as the boys got very competitive, and it flew every where! Nothing was harmed in the process!

Our next adventure during our Hasbro Game Night, was to assemble and play the Angry Birds Star Wars Millennium Falcon Bounce Game! The boys loved helping to build the Millennium Falcon, and then helped to apply the stickers. Assembly was very quick and easy!

The game Angry Birds is known for flying battles, but you add Star Wars, and this game night just went into intergalactic bouncing wonder! The boys quickly figured out how to "battle" the sinister swine, by bouncing the three fearless Rebel Angry Birds balls, featuring Luke Skywalker, Hans Solo, and Chewbacca! The object is to  score points for every pig you knock over, bounce into the cockpit, or land into the center of the Millennium Falcon. This game was active, encouraged moment, and helped the boys to really focus on the target! Angry Birds Star Wars Millennium Falcon, has been given a place of honor on my son's dresser, so I see many Hasbro Family Game Nights in the near future!
Look for the Angry Birds Star Wars AT-AT ATTACK BATTLE GAME, as it is a stack, launch, and destroy game! It includes 12 Angry Birds Star Wars figures, 21 blocks to build the AT-AT, and a light saber launcher! Also included, is a special code to unlock Angry Birds Star Wars App content!
Did you know that May 4th is a special day? Say "May the 4th Be With You," out loud, and you will hear the pun made famous by The Empire Strikes Back! It has be proclaimed by Star Wars fans as a national day to host Star Wars Saga movie marathons, wear costumes, and quote famous movie lines from the films, such as "May the Force be with you!" Will you be celebrating this year?

Would you like to have a Hasbro Game Night of your own? Enter to win a Hasbro Angry Birds Star Wars Millennium Falcon Bounce Game & Angry Birds Star Wars Foam Flyer for your family! Ends this Friday, May 2nd at Midnight! Good luck!

To keep up with all things Hasbro Game Night, like us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter: @hasbrogamenight  with the hash tag #Maythe4thBeWithYou 

*My family and I happily reviewed games on behalf of Hasbro Family Game Night. I was not compensated for this review, all thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.

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