{Review} Thought Spots

What’s your goal or intention? Select a Thought Pack or Big Thought to support it.

Find a good place to stick your Thought Spot – somewhere it’ll be in sight - like a bathroom mirror or kitchen window. Gently peel off a Spot and apply it to a clean, shiny surface.

Because it’s in your sight, you’ll read it. Take time to reflect. Think about it. Say it out loud. Have an “aha” moment. Discuss it. Whatever serves your intention.

Keep your thought experience fresh. Change your Thought Spot and its location regularly. Store them in this re-usable envelope, handle with care and enjoy them again and again.

Use other Thought Packs or Big Thoughts to support other goals or intentions.
Thought Spots are available in 12 different design packs and 15 Big Thoughts, with modern designs, peel & stick, mess-free, reusable, removable and re-positionable.
I love that I can change the Thought Spot each morning! The "You Are My...," Thought Spot Pack has so many of the loving and funny names that I call my boys! From "You Are My Little Monkey," to "You Are My Sunshine," my boys knew right away, who put the Thought Spot on the mirror in our bathroom. Each morning when they brush their teeth, the can see a new message from Mommy and know that I am wanting to encourage them as they start their day!
I cannot wait to surprise my youngest son on his birthday next month, with the Big Thought Spot Birthday To You Pack! He will love the special Thought Spot, and extra love!
Want to know more or see the other great Thought Spots?
Check out the Thought Spots website, Facebook or Twitter.

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