Are You Excited About LEGO KidsFest 2013 Tour?

LEGO KidsFest Virginia
February 15-17 at the Greater Richmond Convention Center

My boys are counting down the days until we will travel to Richmond, Virginia to attend LEGO KidsFest!Our mini LEGO Maniacs have been building and creating their very own models, but nothing will compare to the ones we will see at LEGO KidsFest! We have been building with LEGO City sets, and cannot wait to set the many new sets and displays that will be featured! I cannot tell you how often I am asked if it is time and how many more days we have to wait for LEGO KidsFest! Raise your hand if your little LEGO Master Builder is just excited!?

The LEGO KidsFest is a giant traveling LEGO expo coming to Virginia’s Greater Richmond Convention Center February 15-17, 2013.  This hands-on, educational, all-ages LEGO extravaganza features millions of LEGO bricks not to mention lots of construction zones, dozens of life-sized LEGO models and displays, LEGO Ninjago and LEGO Games, group builds such as Creation Nation, live LEGO Master Builders, and so much more covering three acres of space. 

We're excited to announce that LEGO KidsFest is kicking off their 2013 Tour in nearby Richmond, Virginia, February 15-17, 2013 at the Greater Richmond Convention Center.

Five identical sessions are available.  Tickets are $18 for kids and $20 for adults.

  • For a limited time, my followers may use a unique SAVINGS code to SAVE $2 per ticket, valid on tickets purchased January 1-31, 2013. 
  • Please LIKE "LEGOKidsfest" on Facebook and follow "@LegoKidsFest" on Twitter, with the hashtag #LegoKidsFest!

  • For more information and to purchase tickets, log on to

    *LEGO Systems, Inc. is the North American division of The LEGO Group, a privately-held, family-owned company based in Billund, Denmark, one of the world's leading manufacturers of creatively educational play materials for children.  Visit the virtual LEGO world at  LEGO, the LEGO logo, and DUPLO, are trademarks of the LEGO Group. 
    © 2011 The LEGO Group.

    *I am proud to partner with US Family Guide, and will receive tickets to LEGO KidsFest to give my honest review and opinions of the event.

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    1. Thanks Jenny for the heads up, this looks like it really could be a lot fun for the whole family!


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