Taking A Break...We've All Been Very Sick

My apologies, if you are a loyal reader and are looking to see what I have posted today. We have all been sick, and I needed to take a little break.

  • My five year old has had a double ear infection and a wicked cough. 
  • The three year old has a super runny nose, and has temperatures that have been pretty scary.
  • I have had what started out with flu like symptoms  and turned into a  horrible chest cold. I have coughed so much, I felt like I bruised my ribs. Add in a loss of my voice, and then a froggy whiny voice...I am really disliking the way I sound.
So, with all of this in mind, look for a new post on Monday, and I will hope that all of us have recovered and healed by then. There comes a time when we need to refresh  and rest and I just needed to take a few days. I hope you understand, and will look for new posts early next week!

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