Good Bye Tree and Holiday Clutter!

The tree is down, and honestly, taking it down bummed me out. Okay, maybe bummed out isn't the right word... nostalgic or just shocked that Christmas has come and gone is a better way to say it?

I am amazed that I have the same feeling taking down each ornament, as when I place them on the tree. Each one has a memory and reminds me how much the kids have grown. Mikey and Ryan's first Christmas, or even my husband's first Christmas ornament makes me smile. There are ornaments that I hand crafted with my mother, when I was a teenager and I cannot help but think of the time we spent together. There are military ornaments to honor loved ones, ornaments that remind us of vacations or museums, and then there are ornaments that hold the memory of Mike's sister, Melinda. (Her memorial ornament sits at the top of the tree, right under the angel tree topper.) Yet, as I took the time to lovingly pack each of these ornaments away, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and relief!? (If that isn't an oxymoron!?)

So, good bye tree, holiday decor, stress, late nights, and elfin' around elves. I tell myself each year that with planning, zero expectations, and a budget...this year will be stress free. Well once again I failed! Not in the sense that this was a horrible holiday, in fact it was nearly perfect. I failed in the sense that I did not manage my time wisely, and created the stress myself!

This is the reason I packed the tree, shrugged off the Holidays, and de-cluttered the mess under the tree. The kids received some amazing gifts this year, and yet I could not imagine where it was all going to go! I told the kids we were going to sort and organize their toy shelf. If there were things that we needed to donate or get rid of, today was the day! Of course this blew their little three and five year old minds! I explained that if a toy was broken, they weren't playing with it, and it was not safe to keep it. I then found an empty box, and asked if there was anything they wanted to donate or share with a little boy or girl who didn't get to have a Christmas. This idea sunk in slowly, so I helped them and they helped to select toys that they no longer played with! Was the box filled? No, but I didn't want to shock them or think that they had to get rid of their stuff!

I am happy to say that we cleaned and organized, enough that we are clutter free, and made room for their new toys! Was it hard? YES! I had to take down my tree, and say good bye to my memories. The kids had to part with old and broken toys, small sacrifices but all worth the battle! 

How long do you leave up your tree? Does it bum you out? How do you de-clutter after the Holidays? How do you make room for the new stuff?
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  1. I was really sad to take the tree down this year too! I am usually ready for everything to be put away but this year I wasn't. :( I despise removing all the ornaments though!

    1. Thank you Liz for stopping by! I am so glad to hear that I am not the only sappy nut job, that can not part with her tree! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  2. wanted to leave it up for afew more days, but it's snowing and didn't know what else to do! Love looking at everything putting it on the tree and I same the same taking it off. Am I sappy.....Absolutely!


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