Christmas 2012

We were woken up by Ryan at 5:30 a.m., and it was a challenge to talk him into going back to bed as he was so excited about Santa's arrival! The kids were very animated this year, and were soon swallowed by a sea of wrapping paper as they opened their gifts. I loved their reactions to opening Legos, and Madagascar 3...which lead to a singing of "Afro Circus!" 

Mother Nature surprised us with snow, and it was beautiful! The snow flakes were huge, and then steady enough to give us a White Christmas! The kids were very excited and kept saying it was magical and a gift from Santa!

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day meals were spent with friends and our close neighbors! We had a very "Merry Crabby Christmas," when we feasted on Maryland Blue crabs on Christmas Eve. It was a rare treat to not drive all over town, and have multiple stops...but to enjoy, slow down, and celebrate with the friends we have made here in Maryland!

I hope you had a very Merry Christmas surrounded by the ones you love!

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