Elfin' Around: Race Track Under the Tree {#ElfinAround}

Who needs a train under the tree, when you have Twister Trax? The boys love this set, as they can move and reshape the race track, that the fire truck and police car run on! Buddy and Max were there, when the kids received the Twister Trax last year as a gift from their grandma! Buddy and Max setup the Twister Trax under the tree, and noted that the legs of our artificial tree, is a perfect place to make hills.

Buddy and Max had to play very quietly  as to not wake the kids up! Elves love to play, especially with toys that they built in their workshop at the North Pole.

We will be putting many things under the tree, such as our Nativity, wooden train set, and anything that the kids want to put under there as a place of honor! What does your family put under the tree, until presents are placed their or brought by Santa?

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