Elfin' Around: Cars Ornaments {#elfinaround}
Buddy and Max brought the boys Disney Pixar Cars Ornaments to color, and a paint a poster kit! The elves are really missing the toy workshop, where they spent hours making and painting toys for good girls and boys. They must have heard my five year old ask earlier in the week if they could make Christmas ornaments to hang on the tree and send to our family via the snail mail. I cannot wait to see how the kids react when they find out they get to be creative!
My 3 year old, is still obsessed with Disney Pixar Cars, and plays with them daily or carries them in his pockets when we head out the door. He loves 'Mater, and talks about him as if they are dear friends! Do you have a Cars fan in your house?
My 3 year old, is still obsessed with Disney Pixar Cars, and plays with them daily or carries them in his pockets when we head out the door. He loves 'Mater, and talks about him as if they are dear friends! Do you have a Cars fan in your house?

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