Checking Out The Great Big Toys R Us Book

It's that time of year! Time to start thinking about the holidays, and making a Christmas list. The boys look forward each year to flipping through, circling, and dreaming about The Big Great Toys R Us Book! The boys will not make a list for a few more weeks, but now that they have seen many of this season's new and exciting toys they have some great ideas! Thanks to last year's Great Big Toys R Us Book, my youngest only wanted a toy trash truck. I wonder what he will set his heart on this year?

The boys spent almost an hour, studying each page. They wanted to circle and clarify exactly what they liked. I was surprised by a few items, and had to laugh when my oldest son tried to tell me that, "Some boys play with dolls, but just call them action figures." I smiled when my youngest son picked out a guitar, as my mother saved my Christmas lists and I was his age when I asked for one as well! They finished  and then asked if "Buddy and Max," the elves helped take pictures of all these toys? I explained to them that these books are made here, and not at the North Pole. Amazing how much our elves have become a part of normal conversation! 

Do you use The Great Big Toys R Us Book, to help make your holiday lists? Do you tuck it away, and cross off things as you pick them up? Do you let your kids circle or mark the items they would like add to their lists? Is making a Christmas list in your house a big deal?

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