Family Movie Night - Scared Shrekless With Redbox #CouchCritics #CBias
We have been a Redbox family for many years. The price and convenience has always been a key to why Redbox has been a key to our weekend entertainment. I love how I can jump on the Redbox website, and reserve our movie prior to heading out the door, it also saves us time so that I know our movie will be available, prior to getting to the location, and finding out that our movie is out of stock. It has been a huge time saver, and has saved us from driving to the next Redbox, looking for our movie. In a matter of seconds I know that I can get on to the Redbox website, reserve and pay for our movie before we ever leave the house. Another get feature from Redbox, is the mobile app that allows you to do all of the great features of the website on your smart phone! (You can find all the great details of my experience in my Google+ album.)
We planned a family night and were so excited to see all of the great new releases such as Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3, Vampire Dog, and Scared Shrekless! The boys love Shrek, Donkey, and Puss and Boots, so it was very easy to select this great Halloween movie featuring their favorite green ogre Shrek.
I loved that I just had to hop out of the car, and run to our local Walmart Redbox, to use the touch screen to pick up our reserved copy of Scared Shrekless and Hunger Games. As we paid in advance, it was a quick in and out trip!
The kids and I had a blast creating these great Shrek and Puss and Boots masks, just to add to the fun of watching the movie. My oldest son wore his mask while watching "Scared Shrekless!" They worked so hard, and loved the quality time spent together.
We ordered pizza, made "ogre," guacamole and watched Scared Shrekless as a family. The kids laughed at the all of the great jokes and simple kid humor, as adults we loved the parodies of great Halloween movies that we grew up with! One of the great things about the Shrek movies, is that each of us get something out of the movies! They are made for children, but the adults find references and humor that we can understand. Please check out out my review that can be found on the Couch Critics website, for further details!
Redbox can be found on Facebook and Twitter, look for our fun reviews with the hashtag #CouchCritics.
* I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™, #CBias, and #SocialFabric. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I JUST used Redbox for the first time recently, and it was pretty darn cool. But I didn't know you could reserve them ahead of time. Talk about time saving! Thank you for letting me know about that.