Mama Kat's Writers WorkShop - Smiling It's My Favorite!

Mama’s Losin’ It

This Week's Prompt: Aside from your kids, your husband, your coffee and your wine...
what makes you smile?

There are many little things that make me smile:
  1. I smile, when I see decadent desserts, as they call to me! I am very dear friends with my beloved sweets, and my dear husband knows that a cookie ice cream sandwich will almost always, wash away the stress of the day. There is a calm and release that just fills my soul when the fork passes my lips; when I devour cheese cake, key lime pie, or strawberry short cake. Joy on a fork, doesn't even begin to define the love I have for dessert.
  2. Holiday crafts make me grin ear to ear. I can remember working with my mom every year to make our own ornaments for our family. It is from those memories that my love for crafting grew! I could craft all the time if time and an open budget allowed! I have a never ending list of things that I want to craft, thanks to some really crafty friends and the blessing/curse of Pinterest. July isn't to early to start crafting for December holiday fun, is it?
  3. As a busy mom, the very idea of relaxation makes me smile! To devote personal time to myself has become a rare thing these days. Time curled up on the couch or a long shower without interruption, just sounds like heaven to me. As awesome as a manicure, pedicure, or massage sounds...I would just like to pee without someone pounding on the door! So, to devote time to relaxation, if even for thirty minutes, is just something to smile about.
  4. Mail and packages make me grin! I have always loved checking the mail box, and had several pen pals as a young girl. I love getting cards and letters, as it means someone took them time to sit down and write something by hand. In a world filled with social media, and smart phones; it is a treat to find a card in the mailbox. (Bills are not fun, so those do not count!) Packages bring a whole new level of excitement, as wonders are hidden inside of the box. Holidays and birthday mail is fun, but to find a surprise in the mail box any other time of the year is beyond awesome!
  5. Shoes surprisingly, make me smile. I never thought I would be one of "those," gals who love shoes. The funny thing is, that it has only been within the last five years that I have fallen in love with high heels. I love shopping, and selecting a fun, spunky, and cute pair of shoes! I never expected to have anything other than sneakers and flats, and now I love heels! When I try heels on in the store, I just squeal with excitement while a huge smile is spread across my face.
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  1. I love getting mail (actually I need to go see what we got today). It always makes me smile to see what surprises are in the mail box!

  2. Packages in the mail are awesome! Cards, too! That's a great one. :) Came by via Mama Kat's (again, I think).

  3. I love getting mail too! I grew up having many pen pals. I wish ppl wrote letters and cards more often.


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