Finally Riding the Bus!

For as long as Mikey has been able to form full sentences, he has been obsessed with school buses. I can remember him running to a front window, to watch the local school bus picking up or dropping off our neighbors. When ever we would see a bus, he would happily point at the bus and talk endlessly about it! As Kindergarten approached, most of his questions were about riding the bus!
This morning he woke up early, and put on his white hat (all Kindergarteners were given one to help identify new bus riders) and was counting down the minutes till we could walk to the bus stop. We had many adventures, at the bus stop such as: seeing a garter snake, Ryan falling down and getting two bloody knees, and tag with the neighbors. Mikey's face when he finally heard the bus approaching, and then had the bus in his sight, was priceless! He took our neighbor's hand, and didn't look back! He was getting on that bus, and nothing was standing in his way! He boarded the bus, told the bus driver  good morning, and then quickly found a seat. 
When I met him at the bus stop this afternoon, he was grinning ear to ear! He proudly told me that he loved the bus, and it was on of his favorite parts of his second day of school!

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  1. Remember how fun it was to be in the bouncy seat in the back? lol I'm glad he had fun!


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