Christmas in July: Elf Mischief Tips

Are you a new reader? I'm going to share with you a secret...our house is visited by Christmas Elves. I want to share with you my own Christmas in July, Elf Mischief style! If you are a new reader, then you have never heard of Buddy and Max. If you have been around awhile, then you know that we have been lucky enough to have Buddy and Max in our lives for the last three years.

Here is the TRUTH...and why I am bringing you my own version of Christmas in July! Each year I spend months planning all of the fun things that our elves will do each night. For 30 days, there is something silly, crazy, or hands on that our elves do EVERY night, to surprise the boys when they wake up in the morning. Here is the truth, it takes time and effort to plan the fun, but your time and talents are put to great use!

Here are a few tips:
  1. Brainstorm and keep a list in your purse of ideas, even if it seems silly at the time! (Write the ideas down as they come to you.)
  2. Create a simple calendar, and list each activity on what date it will take place, way before November ever rolls around.
  3. Buy or find a large plastic container to start collecting fun things!
  4. Create a list of supplies to locate or purchase, and keep it with you, as you will be surprised as to where you will find items. Why buy or look for items in November, when you can find them now or find things on sale!
  5. Shop for bargains at Goodwill and thrift shops! (This is not intended to be an expensive activity!)
  6. Start making things now! Why scramble to make things in December, when you have the time now?
  7. Purchase or find an elf. I have seen and heard of many versions of Elf Mischief, there are many companies that sell elves, such as Elf Magic, Elf On a Shelf, Pop-In-Kins, or any plush elf doll. (A friend of mine happened to find our elves at a local religious store.)
You will find lots of ideas on Pinterest, but you will be amazed at how you will come up with ideas! Another huge resource for me has been sharing or bouncing ideas off other "Elf Moms." Three years ago when a dear friend shared the idea with me, I didn't know any other moms that had heard of Elf Mischief. Now I know of numerous families, that host one or more elves in their homes! Share ideas, and get can do this!!
Yes, it is work! Yes, my husband thinks I am nuts! Yes, you will need to get creative or crafty! Yes, my kids ask how many more months till Buddy and Max will return. My boys love each and everything the elves have surprised them with! I am the first to admit that around day 20, I can not wait to send them back to the North Pole, but seeing the looks on the boys faces makes it all worth it.

Want to see a few of my favorite nights from three years Elf Mischief in our home? Go ahead and Google "Elf Mischief," most of the pictures are of Buddy and Max or you can check these out!

Elves arrive via TP Reindeer and Sleigh
Elf Ski Resort
Elf Bubble Bath
Candy Cane Names
Elf Camp Out
I would love to answer any questions you may have or tell you more about our elves. Every family does there own version of Elf Mischief, that's one of the great things about rules! Do what works for your family and your availability! Google it, check out Pinterest, or read my blog archives in the month of December, and you will get lots of ideas! You, can do this Momma!

Are you already an Elf home? What are the names of your elves? Best idea that you have seen? Lets talk all things elves, and start getting creative together!


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  1. I am thinking for another idea this coming Christmas that I am sure I will enjoy it with my neighbors. It must be something special and adorable.


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