Blog Dare: 175 - Not Going There

Today's Prompt: A place I have no desire to visit...

A place I have no desire to visit, would be the corn festival in Dekalb, Illinos. I am not a fan of corn, and could not even wrap my brain around a whole festival dedicated to corn! (My dislike for corn, isnt anything that I havent talked about before!) No disrespect to the festival, Dekald, or the great state of Illinos, but I doubt I will ever attend your amazing festival dedicated to the humble ear of corn.
The funny thing is that I know my husband would LOVE to go there, and sample or taste every item that the festival has to offer. Years ago we saw a similar festival talked about on television, and he mention that he would love to check it out. He would be in heaven and I would just have to sit back and what him enjoy! I understand that they have a corn boil, where 70 tons of boiled sweet corn is handed out to those who love corn for free! Oh my gosh free, corn to the mass of festival goers!

Is there a festival or place that your spouse wants to go and visit, but you just roll your eyes at the idea? Where do you have zero interest in visiting?

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