Blog Dare: 151

Today's Prompt: My all time favorite drink...

My all time favorite drink is iced tea! Flavored, sweetened, or just plain iced tea...I love it in any form. I still love the old way of boiling it on the stove top, in a huge pot. Fancy tea maker machines are much faster, but it just doesn't compare to the old way! I do not drink soda, and rarely drink anything other than tea, lemonade, or milk. Tea is where is it at, and I can not tell you how much I just love it! My family knows how much I love it, and if I am not there at the table when a drink order is taken at a restaurant, they know what to order for me in my absence.

I feel just about the same way about hot tea. I would choose tea over coffee any day! (Although I wont turn down fru-fru coffee...) I always thought that tea in a fancy tea cup and saucer, was so elegant and lady like! I love fruity or spice teas, and enjoy trying new flavors. I still have the same tea kettle I received as a wedding gift, although it now matches nothing in my kitchen, it is trust worthy and works like a gem!

Do you love tea? Have a favorite flavor? Do you like it iced or hot? Ever been to a formal ladies tea? Are you a die hard coffee drinker, and just don't understand tea lovers? What is you favorite non-alcoholic drink?
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