Blog Dare: 149

Today's Prompt: Our summer To-Do List...
Our summer To-Do-List isn't that detailed, but there are a few fun things that we would like to do!
- Visit St. Louis
- Build a sand castle
- Ride a horse
- Play in a sprinkler
- Swim in a pool
- Have a water balloon fight
- Eat Popsicles
- See fireworks
- Eat 'smores
- Have a back yard camp out
- Pick something from a garden
- Got to a Fair or local festival
- Catch fire flies
- Go to the movie theater
- Have a family picture taken
This summer is the first summer that nothing is set in stone, and we are free to do somethings together as a family, that we have not done previously. I look forward to simple adventures, and stress free actives that can be done at home or with friends. Our big "vacation," is a trip to St. Louis, Missouri to see our family and friends that we have not seen in a year. It is something that we really miss, and are looking forward to.
What is on your summer To-do list? Big summer plans? Things that you want to share with your child from your youth? What kinds of things do you only do in the summer?

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