Blog Dare: 111

Today's Prompt: Must have food items for the summer...

Must have food items for the summer are:

  1. Watermelon - Both of the boys love watermelon, and can not wait for them to come into season. They both love eating watermelon, and spitting out the seeds! I try buy seedless, but they aren't as sweet.

2. Barbecue - Nothing says summer like the sweet smells of BBQ! I just love the smokey flavor, and BBQ sauce slathered meat.
Source: via Carla on Pinterest

3. Lemonade - The cool refreshing taste of lemonade is the only way to quench thirst in the summer heat.

When I was a child, summer time was spent outdoors as a family. The barbecue grill was a source of a family meal, and long conversations. The TV wasn't on, cell phones were not glued to our hands, or a laptop to be found. Times were simple, the air was warm, and it was time for bonding and sharing the days events; all while BBQ sauce drips from your fingers while eating pork steaks and ribs.

Now I'm dreaming of summer! What foods define summer for you? What did you do as a family on summer evenings? Have you eaten a pork steak, even know what one is? What is your favorite BBQ item?
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  1. You and I share the same likes.
    Stopping by from the UBP to say hello.
    Have a great weekend!


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