Blog Dare:85

Today's Prompt:  What my children want to be when they grow up...
What my children want to be when they grow up, changes day to day! At the ages of 3 and almost 5, they pretend to be many things typical of their ages such as: construction workers, firemen, police officers, farmers, and monster truck drivers.

One of my favorite memories of my son Mikey, is from when he was three and he told me very seriously, that he wanted to be a trash truck driver! Mikey thought that the guy who loaded the trash cans and then got to press the button to pour the trash into the compactor, had the best job. The other guy just drives around...and tries to not hit cars. I still remember this conversation, with my son and it was two years ago.

Today I asked both of the boys what they wanted to be when they grow up, just to see what they might say:

Ryan, wants to be a "washer guy?"

Mikey, wants to be a "guy with tools?"

After asking Ryan a few more questions, we now know that at age three he has chosen to be a professional car wash worker!? To the best of his ability, he explained to me that cars need to be cleaned on the outside, as they have mud on them. You can use soap and water, and the dirt comes right off. I asked him if he would be using the vacuum on the inside of the car, and he told me "No way, it is too scary...other guys do that part!" So, just to clarify....Ryan will not be detailing cars, but will be soaping down and spraying off cars, if he had to choose his profession today!

I then asked Mikey what kind of tools, he wanted to use and he said "You, know the ones in the big red tool box in the garage, that big guys use." I then asked if he was going to fix things, or build things. He told me he is going to just knock on doors, and ask if anyone else has any tools to add to his red tool box! So...just to clarify...Mikey, will not be building homes for charity, inventing something to change life as we know it, fixing cars or become a handy man. Nope he is going to be the annoying neighbor that borrows tools, and never returns them!

This is where I mention, how very proud I am of my kids...right?


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