Blog Dare:84

Today's Prompt:   A dream I made into reality...
A dream I made into reality, was becoming a writer. I have yet to be nationally published, but I have been published locally! It all started in the sixth grade, when we were told to write a creative paper about a trip to a fantasy island, and the events that would unfold while on the trip. Then I met the most creative teacher, in junior high school who encouraged us to write in a journal, write poetry, read for fun, write letters, or tell a silly story. As school continued, other projects would be required and graded on very specific elements, on an assigned topic, and yet I enjoyed these mundane papers. 
Then a friend shared her blog with me...and offered to show me how easy it would be to blog. I wasn't even sure that I understood what a blog was, or why I would want one. I had other creative outlets at that time, so the idea of having something out there also asking for more of my time was overwhelming! How would I find things to write about? Who on Earth would read it, other than family? Heck, would my family even read it, when they don't really hang out on the computer?
So, I would take pictures and write captions...nothing worthy of sharing with the world, but it was my very own space. The few times I made mention of writing a blog with friends, who were not social media people, all wanted to know "Why blog or how would you find the time? I started off slowly, and made my blog a way to document our adventures, and the little things we did as a family. The blog started under a different name, and for almost two and a half years, I was over the moon with my blog! My own space to write whatever I want, with out rules, or zero stress! 
Then I really started to explore other blogs, and why people blog...and I thought it might be time to change things up! Almost 20 years after a teacher encouraged me to write for the sheer enjoyment of writing...I wanted to write again! The opportunity has arrived, to write about my family, and our adventures! I am encouraged again, and the creative juices are flowing! I just wrote my first formal review, that will be shared with thousands of readers in the Baltimore area! Very exciting times, and I cant wait to share my blog with you as I grow and learn! I am a writer, and it is a dream that has become a reality!


  1. Congrats on your publication!!! That's fantastic. I love to write as well and always have. I wanted to be a professional writer growing up but then realized that was a pretty lofty goal. I'm so happy to have a blog as a creative outlet and a place for growth. Love following your blog and can't wait to see the new design. So glad we could connect.


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