Blog Dare:82

Today's Prompt:   Wearing pajamas in public...

Wearing pajamas in public, is not something I would ever encourage! Although I am the first to admit, that I have done it, when running out to the pharmacy to get medicine for a very sick little boy in the middle of the night. I am one of those moms, that wear comfy clothes around the house, but could not imagine one of my neighbors seeing me in them. I have always been of the mind, that there is never a time to wear sweat pants as an adult, outside of the home, unless you are exercising! Ladies, I do not always have makeup on, but I  never leave the house in cartoon pajamas!

As, far as the kids go...if they get to the age where they are picking out their own clothes, then I might let it slide. I will not let them wear pajamas to school, but on the weekend I might be more lenient! If the boys want to wear their pajamas, that have a cape that attaches with Velcro, because they have decided they are super heroes for the can I squish their creativity? Yes, they will look like dorks, the silver haired ladies at the grocery store will stare at me, and question what on earth was I thinking?...but, I know it is something every kid goes through.

I do not look down on those who wear pajamas in public, who am I to judge? I understand having days where what you have on is the least of your concerns! I also understand, that every stitch of clothing you might own is in the washing machine, and yet you needed to run some errands...I get it! So, if you are a mom and you wear pajamas in each there own!


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