Blog Dare:76

Today's Prompt:   A favorite memory from the great outdoors...

My favorite memories from the great outdoors, all include camping or summer camp. My parents took us camping every summer, and it normally included a fishing trip. I will never forget the time we set up camp, and let the tents air out, while we went to Silver Dollar City. When we returned we found standing water in both of our tents, due to a surprise torrential down pour that afternoon. My mom and I spent the rest of the evening, at the coin operated laundry mat, trying to dry out the sleeping bags and clothing! (You better believe, I have never left off a tent fly again!) On another trip, my Dad taught me how to catch Catfish, and how to clean it. I will never forget being absolutely horrified at the process, and could not wait to get the poor thing into the frying pan. I also learned that you shouldn't trust your brothers to roast a marshmallow for you, as they will only let it burn to a crisp, and it just isn't worth eating any more. Many fond memories are of the five of us sitting around the camp fire, listening to the sounds of nature!

Camp Ne-O-tez, Camp Sherwood, Camp Lakewood, and Camp Wyman, hold my most cherished memories of the great outdoors. I had the joy of going to summer camp every summer, if I was lucky I could squeeze in two camps! (I loved summer camp so much, I eventually became a camp counselor!) I lived for the camp fires, hiking, spelunking, shaving cream fights, canteen, horse back riding, crafts, and everything camp had to offer. I will never forget the first time we camped out under the stars, with only a tarp on the ground to lay our sleeping bags on, only to find that we laid the tarp on a huge carpenter ant mound. All of us girls, including the counselors were bitten, and spent the rest of the week scratching, and slathering on the calamine lotion. I loved campfire every evening, and the singing ...something magical just happens when that many voices join in a song. Summer Camp was the one place guaranteed to put you in the heart of the woods, and yet I loved every moment I was there.

I want our boys to love the outdoors, and to embrace nature in all of its splendor! Every boy should know how to put a tent together, build a fire, put a hook on a fishing line, and know the secrets of camping. If they join Scouting, I will be right there ever step of the way! I know it is just a matter of time, but I am really looking forward to them making their own memories of the great out doors.

Does your family camp? Did you attend summer camp as a child? What memories do you have of the great outdoors?


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