Monster Jam

We told the boys we won tickets, and they were beyond thrilled that we would be going to see Monster Jam as a family. The television advertisements had helped in this build up of anticipation, as we had been seeing them for weeks! The days leading up to the big event were filled with questions of how many more "sleeps" until the big day? 

Two very excited little guys are ready to head out the door!

Mikey and Ryan

The first truck up was "State of Destruction," and he was show casing the wheelie competition!

We put ear plugs in the boys ears, but due to the size of the venue, most of the show was spent like this.

"Monster Mutt," was my favorite and he did a great job in the free style part of the show!
Ryan loved that the truck was designed to look like a dog!

Ryan and Mikey loved the race, part of the competition. It might have had something to do with one of their favorite trucks, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!"

Mikey wanted to once again thank "Baltimore's Child," for the great seats and time spent as a family!
I thought Advance Auto Parts Monster Jam, put on a great show. The 1st Mariner Arena was way too small for the event, as it's main use is for the sport of soccer. Although it gave us a great view from our seats, the monster trucks had to back up and pull forward to make the jumps. The sound and vibrations from the revving of the engines, could literally be felt, thus scaring the daylights out of the boys. They did great through the show, and could not wait to see Grave Digger's big arrival for the 30th anniversary celebration. The look on Mikey's face when he finally saw Grave Digger in person, was priceless! Ryan crawled into my lap, and I was able to share in the excitement with him as he knew many of the monster trucks colors and names! Two very happy little boys loved the show! The drivers were awesome,  it is amazing what they can do behind the wheel of a huge monster truck! We look forward to future shows, and can't wait to see one of the outdoor shows!

A huge thank you, goes to Baltimore's Child, for the 4 tickets to Monster Jam. This local magazine has a great calendar of events, and articles relating to every parent. The March issue has already been released, and focuses on local schools; with an in depth article on Home Schooling, and a new resource, the Homeschool Community Center. This free publication and website has been a great source of information for our family, as we are new to the area and were unaware of the many activities and festivals in the Baltimore area! Thank you for the great night out as a family.


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