Heart Breaker Shirt - FAIL?

We had a craft FAIL, for some reason our Valentine's shirts did not turn out as we hoped.
When I saw the idea on Pinterest, and it seemed like a great idea and easy enough for the boys. An added bonus, was that I had all of the supplies on hand, so we gave it a try.
 We gathered the super simple supply list:
sandpaper, crayons, shirts, card board, scissors, pen, and foam letters
 I traced the foam letters, so that we would have the words "Heart Breaker."
The tutorial said to remember the image would be reversed...I did my R backwards and it had to be corrected.
I then cut everything out, and made a very simple heart shape.
 I set up a place for the kids to color the heart.
The texture of the sandpaper, was a strange surface to color.
 I colored the letters black, while the kids went to town coloring on their sandpaper hearts.
 I setup the colored hearts,  used parchment paper, and used the iron to melt the crayon image.
Not sure what happened, but the sand paper seemed to absorb the crayon.
 I wasn't happy with the out come...as the heart barely showed up.
*I love the concept of the project, but I cant pin point what what went wrong.
*See the inspiration here.


  1. I kind of like the distressed look :)

  2. Love finding a new great blog to follow. I'm now a follower on the new linky tool. Follow back so we can stay connected, Lori


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