Heart Frame Photo Prop

Heart Frame Photo Prop: (1) Large box Sharpie Scissors Gorilla glue red wrapping paper (2) spools of ribbon I cut the box open, and removed the two skinny sides. 2. I ended up with two square card board pieces. 3. Using brown paper, I made a very simple template for a heart shape. 4. After I cut out the simple heart shape, I then drew another heart shape inside. 5. I laid the template on the card board, and drew the design on with a sharpie. 6. I made two hearts, one on each square of card board. 7. Use very sharp scissors to cut the card board. 8. You will end up with two very rough hearts. 9. Using the Gorilla Glue, use enough glue to bond the two hearts together. Then let the glue cure per the box instructions. 10. Gather your tape, scissors, wrapping paper, and ribbon. 11. Begin wrapping the heart, you may need to gather or pinch the paper as you go, tape every few inches. 12. When you get to the center point of the heart, cut a slit in your paper to get...