The Snack Bucket

For as long as our nephew, Dylan, has been in school he has had a plastic container of snacks in the pantry. Each morning he picks out his chips or snack, and throws it in his lunch bag. (He is now a 7th grader, amazing how time flies...)

So when the boys were old enough, Grandma showed them the snack bucket, and let them pick out their very own treats. It soon became a running joke, go to Grandma's house, go see what the latest treat was in the snack bucket. As the boys grew, they knew that if they asked permission, batted their eye lashes, and it wasn't dinner time, Grandma would let them have fruit snacks or cheese its.

Grandma called in May, and asked to speak with Mikey. The two of them made a deal, that if he would give up diapers, and be 100% potty trained, she would send him a snack bucket of his very own. (We had been trying for months, and nothing was working, Mikey had zero motivation!)

Wait...back encourage salty and sugary snacks? Are you crazy? That's unhealthy! You are setting a horrible foundation for eating healthy!

Yes, I agree the idea is horrible! I was not 100% on board, but I was desperate! I had offered him many, many things, and he vetoed all of my bribes to pitch the diapers. After Mike and I sat down, we agreed that if it worked, and Mikey took the bait, we could control what he would be snacking on.

So, we potty trained like a champ, and are 100% diaper free. Yes, there have been marathon runs in a retail store to find a bathroom...yes, there have been a few oops, but I am proud to say our little man is all about being a big boy, and using the toilet. We giggled, when he soon tired of the potty, and told us "real big guys use the white, cold potty in the bathroom!"

When Linda had surgery in June, and was exposed to a major infection, which shut down a few of her organs; she was crushed that she couldn't send Mikey his snack bucket. The woman spent a month in a coma, and she was worried about a plastic tub, filled with junk food...are you kidding me? (So the snack bucket idea, went on the back burner, while she healed and recovered in the hospital.) She called last week to let us know that it took a lot for her to go to drive to the bulk store, wrestle the box while using a cane, and drag the box inside the post office...but it was on its way! The snack bucket would arrive soon!

Mikey saw the mail truck arrive, and watch from the window as Daddy brought the box inside.

Daddy teased him by asking what he thought might be in the box.

Do you think there is a puppy inside the box?

Is it a box of crabs?

Did someone send us books?

We better shake the box to see if it barks or makes noise...

Two very excited little boys, could not wait to rip into the box from Grandma and Papa!

Mikey and Ryan with the mystery box!

Is it a puppy or box of crabs?

"Daddy, I know what this is! O' my gosh, a snack bucket" - Mikey

Salt and Vinager chips for Mikey and Handy Manny fruit snacks for Ryan

Mikey and Ryan's Snack Bucket

Might not look like much, but to see that Linda wrote this on the plastic container, is a huge deal! She had to learn how to use her right hand all over again. So, to see this was very exciting, for our family!

*A huge thank you to Grandma, Papa, and Dylan; as we loved what you did for the boys! Thank you for sending us a huge (bigger then Dylan's) snack bucket! We love it!

**If you disagree with this, sorry. It worked for us, it was a monumental feat for it to be mailed out, and we will only give the boys treats sparingly, under moderation.


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