9-11 in Times Square

On our way to New York, we stopped by Jersey City, NJ to show Mikey where he lived and the hospital where he was born.

The one thing we really miss, is the amazing view at Fisk park, which was right across the street from our apartment!

On your far right is the new tower being built, Mikey was shocked he could see it all the way in New Jersey.

Jenny, Ryan, and Mikey; with the Empire State building behind us!

Even the Holland Tunnel paid tribute to 9-11!

Finally in New York City!

Mike, Ryan, and Mikey

We stopped to watch the Marine Corps Band, play patriotic music; it was very moving!

We then went to the M & M Store! Mikey and Ryan almost couldn't contain their excitement, they didn't know that M &M's came in so many colors!

Mikey and Ryan with the M&M Lady Liberties!

The new Father Duffy Memorial in Times Square.

Jenny, Mikey and Ryan in the heart of Times Square!

I loved that the 9-11 tributes were every where, even inches away from the New Years Eve count down ball, in the center of Times Square!

We stopped at watched the live feed on the big screen, of the new 9-11 Memorial at Ground Zero. Only family and those with special passes were allowed any where near the site today.

Love, love, love all of the signs advertising the shows currently on Broadway!

The Disney Store in Times Square is HUGE!

Wouldn't be a visit to the heart of NY, without seeing the Naked Cowboy. This is not the original; he was there, but all I saw was his backside. There is now a booming "Naked Cowboy" business as we saw 3 cowboys and a cowgirl. It was too funny, to watch Mikey's reaction!

Ryan and Mikey, near the recruiting station, looking at all of the lights.

We stopped to make a wish at this fountain, and play in the water.

The flags at half staff at Rockefeller Center, were the last thing we saw, and it was a great way to honor those we lost. The flags slowly moved, and the size and visible sign of honor, was just a sight to behold!

**Thank you NYC for a great day as a family, it was a very fitting tribute to those who survived and have had to live their lives without those they lost on 9-11. Spending the day as a family in a thriving and strong city, just proves how America stands together! GOD BLESS AMERICA!**


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