Pool Party

We had so much to celebrate on Sunday including: Chris Lilly's HS Graduation and acceptance to Mizzou, Lindsay Peter's HS Graduation, Chris' birthday, and Father's Day!
So how do you entertain kiddos, teens, and adults?
With a pool party at Aunt Diane's house, of course!
Mikey loves Aunt Diane's back yard, as it has lots of grass, a swing set, and a pool!

Ryan just wanted to play with Gigi!

Grandma, Ryan, and Mikey

Finally in our swim suits, just wating on Mom to slather us with sun block!

Ryan loved the water!

Mikey started out in the shallow end, near the steps.
Then Grandpa showed Mikey the noodle.
It took him alittle while, but a noodle, life vest, and a torpeedo pool toy all helped to get him into the middle of the pool.

Then...OMG, he wanted to jump off of the diving board like the big guys!

Gigi, Ryan, Lindsay, Chris, and Grandpa all relaxing after a day of fun in the sun!

Then Mikey asked Aunt Diane where she put all of her rocks that she picked up while at Grandma's house on Mother's Day.
She said, let me show you what I have in my flower boxes!
Rocks and rubber snakes, to scare off the rabbits!

The day ended with cookies, brownies, and cake!
Ryan was so tired, he really didnt eat the cookie as fast as he normally would!
Thank you Aunt Diane for hosting!
It was a fantastic way to celebrate and get the family together!
Happy Father's day to my Daddy!
I love you so much; you are a great Father, and an amazing Grandfather!


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