Ryan's 1st Birthday Dinner

We thought we would keep things simple for Ryan's 1st birthday, and just have a family dinner at home.
Gigi, Grandma and Papa Lee, Dylan, and Grandma and Papa Fortner all joined us for BBQ and cupcakes!

Mommy made a banner!
Sock Monkey and a shirt designed by Mommy!

Gigi was the first to arrive, and Mikey asked her to read a book while they waited for everyone else!

Ryan is walking!

Ryan and his Sock Monkey 1st birthday shirt.

Grandma and Papa were the next to arrive!

Mommy and Ryan

Grandma and Papa are here!

Daddy and Mommy

Dylan was a huge help!
Ryan thought it would just be easier to lick the present, than actually open it...he has a lot to learn!

Mikey helped Ryan blow out his candle!

Daddy and Ryan
Thank you everyone for the birthday goodies, calls, and happy birthday wishes!


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