Christmas at the Lee's

We went to Jason and Erin's house the day after Christmas, to have our family Christmas with the Lee family.
Mikey reacting to their dog Sierra.


Mikey, playing with the Wall.E remote controlled toy.

Aiden, Mikey, and Connor playing with their new train set.

Cousin Aiden and Mikey

Love this picture!
Aiden - Mikey - Connor
Grandpa and Ryan

Grandma and Ryan

Mommy and Ryan
Uncle Jason

Aunt Erin and Ryan
Connor playing with his new Lego set.
Mommy's new gift!
An antique spoon ring.
LOVE it!

Ryan playing with the slinky.

Mikey found the Thomas the Trains in the basement.
Mikey and Aiden

Uncle Jason - Grandpa - Ryan

Mikey played so hard, that he literally fell asleep two steps away from the was too funny.
We barely got his coat off, before he layed down on the floor to sleep.

While Mikey was sleeping we washed and setup Mikey's new Thomas the Train bed set.
(Any idea, where to get a plain blue bed skirt, the set did not come with one, and I can't seem to find a blue bed skirt. I've been to 3 stores.)

Mikey LOVED his new bed. He woke up from his nap, ran upstairs, and asked if he could go to bed, so he could sleep on his new sheets!

Thank you Jason and Erin, it was fun to watch the boys play together! (Thanks for a fun afternoon!)
Thank you grandma and grandpa, for all the goodies!


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