Halloween Prep...
Getting Ready for Halloween
Step 1: Ask 2 year old, what he wants to be for Halloween. (Ask him repeatedly, to confirm that is in fact what he really wants to be.)
Step 2: Run all over town, to find best possible "wearable," option, to make 2 year old happy.
Step 3: Buy costume to make 2 year old happy, and confirm that it fits.
Step: Show Daddy the costume, and let Daddy's creative mind get to work.
Step 4: Daddy then makes an additional trip to the local hardware store, to get supplies, for the prop for the costume. (See picture below)

(Soda bottle, hose, clamp, screws, nylon straps, spray paint and a red valve)
Step 5: Spray paint empty soda bottle, to look like a real oxygen tank, while not getting any on your hands.

(Finished paint job, on soda bottle)
Step 6: Once you are in fact covered in yellow paint, place screw through valve to give you a realistic spin action feature.

Step 8: Attach hose to soda bottle, with metal clamp.
Step 9: Attach hose to face mask.
Step 10: Place prop on 2 year old.
Step 11: Watch 2 year old flip out, because he hates the face mask.
Step 12: Give 2 year old fruit snacks, as he honestly believes we were trying to attack him with the really cool prop, that Daddy spent hours making.
Step 13: Mommy makes template, cuts felt, and attempts to line out 2 year old's name to back of costume, while on her lunch break at work. (Realizes that her work looks like the 2 year old had arts and crafts time.) Mommy then removes the felt, while swearing the whole time.
Step 14: Take jacket to Pam; the stitching Goddess, and beg her to sew 2 year old's name to back of costume, in a last moment of desperation!

Step 15: Smile, as your 2 year old, will be the happiest little "fireman,"and think Daddy and Mommy are the coolest parents ever, on Halloween night!
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